1. Overview
1.1. Version information
Version : 2.0.1
1.2. Getting started!
This documentation provides all the basic information you need to start using the UNISEND (LP EXPRESS) API. It covers not only how to find streets, building, localities, addresses and buildings in Lithuania but as well how to create a shipping item, how to manage all the process of sending it from start to the end by calling the courier and creating required documents for the shipment.
We offer a TEST environment of UNISEND (LP EXPRESS) which mimics the PRODUCTION environment, so developers who integrate the public UNISEND (LP EXPRESS) API to their application can experiment and test the product without any consequences.
https://api-manosiuntostst.post.lt (test environment)
https://api-manosiuntos.post.lt (production environment)
Note: At this step you already have to have authentication to the TEST environment. We will provide you with the authentication to the PRODUCTION environment when you will be done with the integration in the TEST environment and all your needs have been reached ensuring that everything is working as it should.
All the communication with the API must be authenticated. Only authenticated request will be authorized. See Authorization page for detailed information about used security.
One of the most important function of this API is to let the user create, manage and send an item by creating it, adding required documents, calling the courier and tracking it. The processes of doing so are visualized bellow. As well find all the needed API methods and data structures for creating a request for the API.
Note: As well we are giving you a base requests collection for POSTMAN, which will help you with trying out the test environment of the API. All the needed actions to do are:
Use(POST): Authorization(Without client secret) script. In the params tab add your credentials.
You will get a response which will contain access token. Add it to your collection, select: View more actions → Edit →Authorization→Token
Note: another alternative to test API is a Swagger running on our side.
1.3. Authorization
Authorization of the users of the application programming interface uses the OAuth2 login standard. More information at https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6749
Getting started to use API
Contact before api-manosiuntos@post.lt authorizing to API, we need to make configuration on our side.-
Getting access/refresh token
Sample request to get access token:
Tip: Pass
scope to test API access.curl --location --request POST 'https://<hostname>/oauth/token?grant_type=password&username=<username>&password=<password>&scope=read%2Bwrite%2BAPI_CLIENT'
Sample response:
{ "access_token": "XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX", "refresh_token": "YYYY-YYYY-YYYY-YYYY-YYYY", "scope": "read write", "token_type": "Bearer", "expires_in": 2591999 }
Sample request to get refresh token:
curl --location --request POST 'https://<hostname>/oauth/token?grant_type=refresh_token&refresh_token=YYYY-YYYY-YYYY-YYYY-YYYY'
Sample response:
{ "access_token": "XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX", "refresh_token": "YYYY-YYYY-YYYY-YYYY-YYYY", "scope": "read write", "token_type": "Bearer", "expires_in": 2591999 }
When you receive the access token, it have included a refresh token as well as an expiration time. The “expires_in” value is the number of seconds that the access token will be valid. Access tokens can expire for many reasons, such as the user revoking an app, or if the authorization server expires all tokens when a user changes their password.
If you make an API request and the token has expired already, you’ll get back a response indicating 401 error.
You can check for this specific error message, and then refresh the token and try the request again. When your application recognizes this specific error, it can then make a request to the token endpoint using the refresh token it previously received, and will get back a new access token it can use to retry the original request.
The “expires_in” property refers to the access token, not the refresh token. The expiration time of the refresh token is intentionally never communicated to the client. This is because the client has no actionable steps it can take even if it were able to know when the refresh token would expire. There are also many reasons refresh tokens may expire prior to any expected lifetime of them as well.
Important: after 5 times invalid authentifications account will be blocked for 15 minutes.
2.1. Step-by-Step example.
0. Estimate parcel data
Consider that we need to send a package to the recipient's address within Lithuania by dispatching the package from parcel locker.
Based on the table in the 2.2. Plan codes section, we find that the T2H plan type and the HANDS plan code match the shipping method we require (from the parcel locker to the recipient's address).
You can find more details about plans, shipping rates, available services, and other information using the EstimateShippingOperations methods:
curl --location --request GET '/api/v2/shipping/estimate/plan?receiverCountryCode=LT&senderCountryCode=LT'
1. Parcel creation step
curl --location --request POST '/api/v2/parcel'
⯈ Request Body [click]
"plan": {
"code": "HANDS"
"parcel": {
"receiver": {
"name": "test name",
"companyName": "test lastName",
"address": {
"countryCode": "LT",
"postalCode": "08247",
"street": "Juozo Balčikonio g.",
"building": "3"
"email": "test@test.lt"
⯈ Request Body by idRef* [click]
"idRef": "YOUR_ORORDER_ID_123",
"plan": {
"code": "HANDS"
"parcel": {
"receiver": {
"name": "test name",
"companyName": "test lastName",
"address": {
"countryCode": "LT",
"postalCode": "08247",
"street": "Juozo Balčikonio g.",
"building": "3"
"email": "test@test.lt"
* The "idRef" parameter acts as a unique identifier for parcels in the system, allowing for simplified management by referencing a user-specified value instead of system-generated parcelId.
⯈ Response Body [click]
"parcelId": 3499918,
"warnings": []
2. Parcel update step
If corrections need to be made, such as correcting the address, plan, size, weight, services and etc., you can update the parcel by simply resending the request with the new information, specifying the parcelId obtained in the response from the previous step.
curl --location --request PUT '/api/v2/parcel/{parcelId}'
or, if you use idRef:
curl --location --request PUT '/api/v2/parcel/idref/{idRef}'
⯈ Request Body [click]
"plan": {
"code": "HANDS"
"parcel": {
"receiver": {
"name": "test name",
"companyName": "test lastName",
"address": {
"countryCode": "LT",
"postalCode": "08247",
"street": "Juozo Balčikonio g.",
"building": "5"
"email": "test@test.lt"
3. Initiate step
When the parcel is successfully prepared, you can complete the shipment creation process and initiate it.
curl --location --request POST '/api/v2/shipping/initiate'
⯈ Request Body [click]
{"parcelIds": [{{parcelId}}]}
⯈ Request Body by idRef [click]
{"idRefs": [{{IdRef}}]}
⯈ Response Body [click]
"requestId": "04d811ee-6b97-3778-95bd-ed123021001c"
4. Get shipping order status
To ensure the successful creation of the shipment and obtain its tracking number, you can utilize the requestId obtained after initiating the shipment in the previous step.
curl --location --request GET '/api/v2/shipping/status/{requestId}'
⯈ Response Body [click]
"status": "SUCCESSFUL",
"items": [
"barcode": "CH800063274LT",
"parcelId": 3499918,
"status": "OK",
"trackable": true
5. Print sticker step
Generate a sticker in PDF format for the created shipment using the parcelId obtained in Step 1. *
curl --location --request GET '/api/v2/sticker/pdf?parcelIds={{parcelId}}&layout=LAYOUT_10x15'
or, if you use idRef:
curl --location --request GET '/api/v2/sticker/pdf?idRefs={{idRefs}}&layout=LAYOUT_10x15'
* Please note that this is a simple example, and there are additional options available to tailor shipment generation to your specific needs and scenarios. You can customize parameters accordingly; detailed information is available in the provided documentation.
2.2. Plan codes
Types | planCodes | size | Avialable Countries | Tracking | Description |
P2H |
XS(Letter) weight 1-50 g |
any |
no |
Shipment from the post office to the receiver’s address/post office |
S (SmallCorrespondence) weight 1-500 g |
any |
M (MediumCorrespondence) weight 1-2000 g |
Only foreign |
S (SmallCorrespondence) weight 1-500 g |
Only foreign |
yes |
Shipment from the post office to the receiver’s address without a signature |
M (MediumCorrespondence) weight 1-2000 g |
Only foreign |
XS (Letter) weight 1-50 g |
any |
Only in LT |
Shipment from the post office to the receiver’s address/post office with signature |
S (SmallCorrespondence) weight 1-500 g |
any |
M (MediumCorrespondence) weight 1-2000 g |
any |
L (Parcel) weight 1-30000 g |
any |
No size (weigth 1-5000g) |
Only LT |
yes |
Shipment from the post office to the receiver’s address/post office with signature |
H2H |
No size max weight by contract |
any |
yes |
Shipment from home/ office delivered by UNISEND (LP EXPRESS) courier to the receiver’s address |
T2H |
XS, S, M, L, XL weight 1-30000 g |
Only LT |
yes |
Shipment from UNISEND(LP EXPRESS) self-service terminal/ locker, delivered by UNISEND (LP EXPRESS) courier to the receiver’s address |
T2T |
XS, S, M, L, XL weight 1-30000 g |
Only LT/EE/LV |
yes |
Shipment from and to UNISEND (LP EXPRESS) self-service terminal/ locker. |
H2T |
Shipment from home/ office delivered to UNISEND (LP EXPRESS) self-service terminal/ locker. |
T2S |
Shipment from and to UNISEND (LP EXPRESS) self-service terminal/ locker within 72 hours |
H2P |
No size (weigth 1-10000g) |
Only LT |
yes |
Shipment from home/ office delivered to the receiver’s post office |
2.3. ParcelOperations
2.3.1. create
POST /api/v2/parcel
Create parcel
Creates single parcel item.
Body Parameter
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
source |
String |
idRef |
String |
The "idRef" parameter serves as a unique identifier reference for the parcel within the system. When creating a parcel, you can specify your desired "idRef" value. This allows you to later edit or perform actions on the parcel using this identifier without system-generated parcelId. For example, if you create a parcel with a specific "idRef" value, you can subsequently edit it or perform other operations by referencing this identifier, simplifying the management process. | ||
senderAddressId |
Long |
int64 |
pickupAddressId |
Long |
int64 |
comment |
String |
plan |
X |
PlanRequest |
parcel |
X |
ParcelRequest |
receiver |
X |
PersonRequest |
sender |
PersonRequest |
pickup |
PersonRequest |
documents |
DocumentRequest |
services |
List of BasicService |
Content Type
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 |
Parcel ID and list of warnings if any exists |
400 |
Bad Request |
403 |
Forbidden |
<<>> |
401 |
Unauthorized |
<<>> |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
⯈ Example request: Parcel locker to Parcel locker [click]
"plan": {
"code": "TERMINAL"
"parcel": {
"size": "S"
"receiver": {
"name": "Test Name",
"companyName": "Test lastName",
"address" : {
"countryCode": "LT",
"locality": "Vilnius",
"terminalId": "0137"
⯈ Example request: Courier to Parcel Locker [click]
"plan": {
"code": "TERMINAL"
"parcel": {
"size": "XS"
"receiver": {
"name": "Test Name",
"companyName": "Test lastName",
"address" : {
"countryCode": "LT",
"terminalId": "0137"
⯈ Example request: Courier to Receiver address [click]
"plan": {
"code": "HANDS"
"parcel": {
"receiver": {
"name": "Test Name",
"companyName": "Test lastName",
"address": {
"countryCode": "LT",
"postalCode": "08247",
"street": "Juozo Balčikonio g.",
"building": "3"
"email": "test@post.lt"
2.3.2. get
GET /api/v2/parcel/{parcelId}
Get parcel
To get details of a single parcel.
Path Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
parcelId |
Unique identifier of the shipping item on “Mano siuntos” system. |
X |
null |
Content Type
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 |
Shipping item data structure (see 3.10 ShippingItemType) |
400 |
Bad Request |
403 |
Forbidden |
<<>> |
401 |
Unauthorized |
<<>> |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
2.3.3. getByIdRef
GET /api/v2/parcel/idref/{idRef}
Get parcel
To get details of a single parcel.
Path Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
idRef |
Unique identifier of the shipping item on “Mano siuntos” system. |
X |
null |
Content Type
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 |
Shipping item data structure (see 3.10 ShippingItemType) |
400 |
Bad Request |
403 |
Forbidden |
<<>> |
401 |
Unauthorized |
<<>> |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
2.3.4. update
It is possible to update, before initiate call, parcel (by id or idRef) information
such as:
address, plan, size, weight, services and etc.
Parcel update endpoint request has same structure as Parcel create, json fields
override current parcel data.
Services field will behave differently, as list it will not override it, but add new items. Example below
PUT /api/v2/parcel/{parcelId}
Update parcel
To update and edit parcel details.
Path Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
parcelId |
X |
null |
Body Parameter
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
UpdateParcelRequest |
X |
Content Type
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 |
OK |
400 |
Bad Request |
404 |
Not Found |
403 |
Forbidden |
<<>> |
401 |
Unauthorized |
<<>> |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
Sample update request:
curl --location --request PUT '<hostname>/api/v2/parcel/000000' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer <authorization access token>' \ --data-raw '{ ... "services": [ { "id": 2 } ] }'
Get parcel by id response
{ ... "services": [ { "id": 2, "code": "C_PIRM_LAISK", "included": false } ] }
Sample second update request:
curl --location --request PUT '<hostname>/api/v2/parcel/000000' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer <authorization access token>' \ --data-raw '{ ... "services": [ { "id": 1 } ] }'
Get parcel by id response
{ ... "services": [ { "id": 1, "code": "C_REG_LAISK&BIG", "included": false }, { "id": 2, "code": "C_PIRM_LAISK", "included": false } ] }
Note: also
"services": []
will override existing data. Butnull
will not:Request
curl --location --request PUT '<hostname>/api/v2/parcel/000000' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer <authorization access token>' \ --data-raw '{ ... "services": null }'
{ ... "services": [ { "id": 1, "code": "C_REG_LAISK&BIG", "included": false }, { "id": 2, "code": "C_PIRM_LAISK", "included": false } ] }
curl --location --request PUT '<hostname>/api/v2/parcel/000000' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer <authorization access token>' \ --data-raw '{ ... "services": [] }'
{ ... "services": [] }
2.3.5. updateByIdRef
PUT /api/v2/parcel/idref/{idRef}
Update parcel
To update and edit parcel details.
Path Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
idRef |
X |
null |
Body Parameter
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
UpdateParcelRequest |
X |
Content Type
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 |
OK |
400 |
Bad Request |
404 |
Not Found |
403 |
Forbidden |
<<>> |
401 |
Unauthorized |
<<>> |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
2.3.6. delete
DELETE /api/v2/parcel/{parcelId}
Delete parcel
Delete single parcel.
Path Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
parcelId |
Unique identifier of the parcel on “Mano siuntos” system. |
X |
null |
Content Type
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 |
If deleted will return true otherwise false |
400 |
Bad Request |
404 |
Not Found |
403 |
Forbidden |
<<>> |
401 |
Unauthorized |
<<>> |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
2.3.7. deleteByIdRef
DELETE /api/v2/parcel/idref/{idRef}
Delete parcel
Delete single parcel.
Path Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
idRef |
Unique identifier of the parcel on “Mano siuntos” system. |
X |
null |
Content Type
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 |
If deleted will return true otherwise false |
400 |
Bad Request |
404 |
Not Found |
403 |
Forbidden |
<<>> |
401 |
Unauthorized |
<<>> |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
2.4. ShippingOperations
2.4.1. isShippingAvailable
GET /api/v2/shipping/available
Check shipping availability
Get shipping availability.
Query Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
receiverCountryCode |
X |
null |
planCode |
X |
null |
parcelType |
X |
null |
size |
- |
null |
weight |
- |
null |
partCount |
- |
null |
services |
- |
null |
includeErrors |
- |
false |
Content Type
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 |
Shipping available data structure |
400 |
Bad Request |
403 |
Forbidden |
<<>> |
401 |
Unauthorized |
<<>> |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
2.4.2. initiateShipping
POST /api/v2/shipping/initiate
Initiate shipping
To initiate dispatch of parcels. The response returns the identification numbers of shipping item carts. It is important to mention that when initiating shipments, they need to be grouped: UNISEND (LP EXPRESS) parcels and Lithuanian postal service parcels. But if you initiate at one time parcels with Lithuanian postal services and UNISEND (LP EXPRESS) services - then no statuses will appear after the initiation (there will be PENDING)
Body Parameter
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
BaseItemListRequest |
X |
Query Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
processAsync |
- |
true |
Content Type
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 |
Shipping initiation confirmed. |
400 |
Bad Request |
403 |
Forbidden |
<<>> |
401 |
Unauthorized |
<<>> |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
2.4.3. getBarcodesByParcelIds
GET /api/v2/shipping/barcode/list
Get shipping barcodes
Loads barcodes by a list of id refs, each item has OK or FAILED status and corresponding id
Query Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
parcelIds |
A list of parcel ids to load barcodes. [Long] |
X |
null |
idRefs |
A list of id refs to load barcodes. [String] |
X |
null |
Return Type
Content Type
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 |
Load barcodes by idRefs. |
List[ShippingItemStatus] |
400 |
Bad Request |
403 |
Forbidden |
<<>> |
401 |
Unauthorized |
<<>> |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
2.4.4. getStatusByRequestId
GET /api/v2/shipping/status/{requestId}
Get shipping status
Get shipping status by request id. IN_PROGRESS - shipping process is still in progress, SUCCESSFUL - shipping completed successfully, PARTIALLY_SUCCESSFUL - shipping failed for at least one parcel, ERROR - shipping failed.
Path Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
requestId |
X |
null |
Content Type
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 |
Shipping status data structure |
400 |
Bad Request |
403 |
Forbidden |
<<>> |
401 |
Unauthorized |
<<>> |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
2.4.5. cancel
POST /api/v2/shipping/cancel
Cancel shipping
To cancel shipping items.
Body Parameter
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
BaseItemListRequest |
X |
Content Type
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 |
Shipping cancel confirmed. |
400 |
Bad Request |
403 |
Forbidden |
<<>> |
401 |
Unauthorized |
<<>> |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
2.5. StickerOperations
2.5.1. getPdfByParcelIds
GET /api/v2/sticker/pdf
Get stickers PDF
To get stickers for initiated shipping items.
Query Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
parcelIds |
Unique identifier of a shipping item. [Long] |
X |
null |
layout |
The format of shipping item sticker layout across the page. |
X |
null |
labelOrientation |
PORTRAIT or LANDSCAPE orientation may be applied for the sticker |
- |
null |
includeCn23 |
Include CN23 forms into response |
- |
true |
includeManifest |
Include manifest into response |
- |
false |
idRefs |
Unique identifier of a shipping item. [String] |
X |
null |
Content Type
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 |
OK |
400 |
Bad Request |
403 |
Forbidden |
<<>> |
401 |
Unauthorized |
<<>> |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
⯈ PDF | LAYOUT_10x15 | LANDSCAPE [click]
curl --location --request GET 'GET /api/v2/sticker/pdf?parcelIds={{parcelId}}&layout=LAYOUT_10x15&labelOrientation=LANDSCAPE'
⯈ PDF | LAYOUT_10x15 | PORTRAIT [click]
curl --location --request GET 'GET /api/v2/sticker/pdf?parcelIds={{parcelId}}&layout=LAYOUT_10x15&labelOrientation=PORTRAIT&includeCn23=false&includeManifest=false'
⯈ PDF | LAYOUT_10x15 | PORTRAIT | includeCn23 [click]
curl --location --request GET 'GET /api/v2/sticker/pdf?parcelIds={{parcelId}}&layout=LAYOUT_10x15&labelOrientation=PORTRAIT&includeCn23=true&includeManifest=false'
⯈ PDF | LAYOUT_10x15 | PORTRAIT | includeManifest [click]
curl --location --request GET 'GET /api/v2/sticker/pdf?parcelIds={{parcelId}}&layout=LAYOUT_10x15&labelOrientation=PORTRAIT&includeCn23=false&includeManifest=true'
2.5.2. getSPDStickersByParcelIds
GET /api/v2/sticker/spd/list
Get stickers SPD
To get SPD stickers for initiated shipping items.
Query Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
parcelIds |
Unique identifier of a shipping item. [Long] |
X |
null |
idRefs |
Unique identifier of a shipping item ID ref. [String] |
X |
null |
Content Type
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 |
OK |
List[ShippingItemLabel Shipping item label entity which represent label item.] |
400 |
Bad Request |
403 |
Forbidden |
<<>> |
401 |
Unauthorized |
<<>> |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
⯈ SPD [click]
curl --location --request GET 'GET /api/v2/sticker/spd/list?parcelIds={{parcelId}}'
2.5.3. getStickersByParcelIds
GET /api/v2/sticker/list
Get stickers
To get stickers for initiated shipping items.
Query Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
parcelIds |
Unique identifier of a shipping item. [Long] |
X |
null |
layout |
The format of shipping item sticker layout across the page. |
X |
null |
labelOrientation |
PORTRAIT or LANDSCAPE orientation may be applied for the sticker |
- |
null |
idRefs |
Unique identifier of a shipping item. [String] |
X |
null |
Content Type
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 |
OK |
List[ShippingItemLabel Shipping item label entity which represent label item.] |
400 |
Bad Request |
403 |
Forbidden |
<<>> |
401 |
Unauthorized |
<<>> |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
⯈ LIST | LAYOUT_10x15 | LANDSCAPE [click]
curl --location --request GET 'GET /api/v2/sticker/list?parcelIds={{parcelId}}&layout=LAYOUT_10x15&labelOrientation=LANDSCAPE'
⯈ LIST | LAYOUT_10x15 | PORTRAIT [click]
curl --location --request GET 'GET /api/v2/sticker/list?parcelIds={{parcelId}}&layout=LAYOUT_10x15&labelOrientation=PORTRAIT'
3. Endpoints
3.1. AddressOperations
3.1.1. create
POST /api/v2/address/sender
Create sender address
To create sender address.
Body Parameter
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
PersonBase |
X |
Query Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
strict |
If true strictly address validation will be applied (address structure and all fields must be filled correctly) |
- |
false |
Content Type
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 |
Returns created address. |
400 |
Bad Request |
403 |
Forbidden |
<<>> |
401 |
Unauthorized |
<<>> |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
3.1.2. deleteSenderAddressById
DELETE /api/v2/address/sender/{id}
Delete sender address
To delete a sender address by ID.
Path Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
id |
X |
null |
Content Type
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 |
OK |
400 |
Bad Request |
404 |
Not Found |
403 |
Forbidden |
<<>> |
401 |
Unauthorized |
<<>> |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
3.1.3. get
GET /api/v2/address/sender
Get default sender address
To get a default sender address.
Content Type
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 |
Returns the default users sender address value. |
400 |
Bad Request |
403 |
Forbidden |
<<>> |
401 |
Unauthorized |
<<>> |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
3.1.4. getSenderAddressById
GET /api/v2/address/sender/{id}
Get sender address
To get a sender address by ID.
Path Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
id |
X |
null |
Content Type
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 |
Returns users sender address value. |
400 |
Bad Request |
403 |
Forbidden |
<<>> |
401 |
Unauthorized |
<<>> |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
3.1.5. update
PUT /api/v2/address/sender
Update default sender address
To update a default sender address.
Body Parameter
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
PersonBase |
X |
Query Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
strict |
If true strictly address validation will be applied (address structure and all fields must be filled correctly) |
- |
false |
Content Type
3.1.6. updateSenderAddress
PUT /api/v2/address/sender/{id}
Update sender address
To update sender address by ID.
Path Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
id |
X |
null |
Body Parameter
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
PersonBase |
X |
Query Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
If true strictly address validation will be applied (address structure and all fields must be filled correctly) |
- |
false |
Return Type
Content Type
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 |
Returns array of warnings if any exists. |
List[FieldErrorResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
404 |
Not Found |
403 |
Forbidden |
<<>> |
401 |
Unauthorized |
<<>> |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
3.1.7. validate
POST /api/v2/address/validate
Validate address
Validate address.
Body Parameter
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
PersonBase |
X |
Query Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
strict |
If true strictly address validation will be applied (address structure and all fields must be filled correctly) |
- |
false |
Content Type
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 |
OK |
400 |
Bad Request |
403 |
Forbidden |
<<>> |
401 |
Unauthorized |
<<>> |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
3.2. CourierOperations
3.2.1. callCourier
POST /api/v2/courier/call
Call courier
To call a courier for individual shipping items. Check callCourier endpoint if courier call is possible.
Body Parameter
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
BaseItemListRequest |
X |
Return Type
Content Type
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 |
OK |
List[CallCourierResult] |
400 |
Bad Request |
403 |
Forbidden |
<<>> |
401 |
Unauthorized |
<<>> |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
curl --location --request POST '<hostname>/api/v2/call' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <authorization access token>' \
--data-raw '{
"parcelIds": [
3.2.2. callCourierPendingList
POST /api/v2/courier/pending/call
Call pending courier
Call courier for all pending parcels.
Body Parameter
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
body |
- |
Return Type
Content Type
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 |
OK |
List[CallCourierResult] |
400 |
Bad Request |
403 |
Forbidden |
<<>> |
401 |
Unauthorized |
<<>> |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
curl --location --request POST '/api/v2/pending/call?createdBeforeDate=2024-01-22T08:24:14.128Z&createdBefore&createdBeforeUnit'
3.2.3. callCourierRequired
GET /api/v2/courier/call/required
Call courier required
Check is call courier required.
Content Type
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 |
OK |
400 |
Bad Request |
403 |
Forbidden |
<<>> |
401 |
Unauthorized |
<<>> |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
curl --location --request GET '<hostname>/api/v2/courier/call/required' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <authorization access token>' \
--data-raw '{
"parcelIds": [
3.2.4. getManifestByParcelId
GET /api/v2/courier/manifest/list
Get manifests
To get a manifest/manifests for completed shipping item/items based on ID ref.
Query Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
parcelIds |
Shipping item identifier. [Long] |
X |
null |
idRefs |
Shipping item identifier reference. [String] |
X |
null |
Return Type
Content Type
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 |
Document of the shipping item courier manifest. |
List[BaseDocumentResponse] |
400 |
Bad Request |
403 |
Forbidden |
<<>> |
401 |
Unauthorized |
<<>> |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
3.2.5. getManifestPdfByParcelId
GET /api/v2/courier/manifest/pdf
Get manifests PDF
To get a manifest/manifests PDF for completed shipping item/items based on ID ref.
Query Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
parcelIds |
Shipping item identifier. [Long] |
X |
null |
idRefs |
Shipping item identifier reference. [String] |
X |
null |
Content Type
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 |
PDF document of the shipping item courier manifest. |
400 |
Bad Request |
403 |
Forbidden |
<<>> |
401 |
Unauthorized |
<<>> |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
2.2.6. getPendingList
GET /api/v2/courier/pending/list
Get pending courier list
To list shipping items for courier call. Check callCourier endpoint if courier call is possible.
Query Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
createdBefore |
Date filter to filter data older then this date. Format yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss |
X |
null |
page |
- |
0 |
Content Type
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 |
OK |
400 |
Bad Request |
403 |
Forbidden |
<<>> |
401 |
Unauthorized |
<<>> |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
3.3. DocumentsOperations
3.3.1. getPdfByParcelIds
GET /api/v2/documents/cn/pdf
To get CN labels for initiated shipping items.
Query Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
parcelIds |
Unique identifier of a shipping item. [Long] |
X |
null |
idRefs |
Unique identifier of a shipping item. [String] |
X |
null |
Content Type
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 |
OK |
400 |
Bad Request |
403 |
Forbidden |
<<>> |
401 |
Unauthorized |
<<>> |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
3.4. EstimateShippingOperations
3.4.1. estimatePlan
GET /api/v2/shipping/estimate/plan
Estimate shipping plan
Estimate shipping plan.
Query Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
receiverCountryCode |
X |
null |
senderCountryCode |
- |
null |
size |
- |
null |
weight |
- |
null |
planCode |
- |
null |
parcelType |
- |
null |
includeCountries |
- |
false |
includeTerminals |
- |
false |
Return Type
Content Type
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 |
Estimated Shipping plan data structure |
List[EstimatedPlan] |
400 |
Bad Request |
403 |
Forbidden |
<<>> |
401 |
Unauthorized |
<<>> |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
3.4.2. estimatePlanCountries
GET /api/v2/shipping/estimate/plan/{planCode}/countries
Estimate shipping plan countries
Estimate shipping plan countries.
Path Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
planCode |
X |
null |
Query Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
senderCountryCode |
- |
null |
size |
- |
null |
weight |
- |
null |
parcelType |
X |
null |
Return Type
Content Type
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 |
Estimated Shipping plan country data list structure |
List[EstimatedCountry] |
400 |
Bad Request |
403 |
Forbidden |
<<>> |
401 |
Unauthorized |
<<>> |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
3.4.3. estimatePrice
GET /api/v2/shipping/estimate/price
Estimate shipping price
Estimate shipping price.
Query Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
receiverCountryCode |
X |
null |
senderCountryCode |
X |
null |
planCode |
X |
null |
parcelType |
X |
null |
senderPostalCode |
- |
null |
size |
- |
null |
weight |
- |
null |
partCount |
- |
null |
services |
- |
null |
Content Type
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 |
Estimated Shipping price data structure |
400 |
Bad Request |
403 |
Forbidden |
<<>> |
401 |
Unauthorized |
<<>> |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
3.5. PODReportOperations
3.5.1. getPodReportByParcelId11
GET /api/v2/pod/report
Get POD PDF by date range
Get POD by date date range.
Query Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
parcelId |
X |
null |
idRef |
X |
null |
dateFrom |
X |
null |
dateTo |
X |
null |
Content Type
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 |
POD found successfully |
404 |
POD not found for specified time frame |
400 |
Bad Request |
403 |
Forbidden |
<<>> |
401 |
Unauthorized |
<<>> |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
2.6. ParcelOperations
2.6.1. create
POST /api/v2/parcel
Create parcel
Creates single parcel item.
Body Parameter
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
CreateParcelRequest |
X |
Content Type
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 |
Parcel ID and list of warnings if any exists |
400 |
Bad Request |
403 |
Forbidden |
<<>> |
401 |
Unauthorized |
<<>> |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
2.6.2. delete
DELETE /api/v2/parcel/{parcelId}
Delete parcel
Delete single parcel.
Path Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
parcelId |
Unique identifier of the parcel on “Mano siuntos” system. |
X |
null |
Content Type
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 |
If deleted will return true otherwise false |
400 |
Bad Request |
404 |
Not Found |
403 |
Forbidden |
<<>> |
401 |
Unauthorized |
<<>> |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
2.6.3. deleteByIdRef
DELETE /api/v2/parcel/idref/{idRef}
Delete parcel
Delete single parcel.
Path Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
idRef |
Unique identifier of the parcel on “Mano siuntos” system. |
X |
null |
Content Type
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 |
If deleted will return true otherwise false |
400 |
Bad Request |
404 |
Not Found |
403 |
Forbidden |
<<>> |
401 |
Unauthorized |
<<>> |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
2.6.4. get
GET /api/v2/parcel/{parcelId}
Get parcel
To get details of a single parcel.
Path Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
parcelId |
Unique identifier of the shipping item on “Mano siuntos” system. |
X |
null |
Content Type
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 |
Shipping item data structure (see 3.10 ShippingItemType) |
400 |
Bad Request |
403 |
Forbidden |
<<>> |
401 |
Unauthorized |
<<>> |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
2.6.5. getByIdRef
GET /api/v2/parcel/idref/{idRef}
Get parcel
To get details of a single parcel.
Path Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
idRef |
Unique identifier of the shipping item on “Mano siuntos” system. |
X |
null |
Content Type
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 |
Shipping item data structure (see 3.10 ShippingItemType) |
400 |
Bad Request |
403 |
Forbidden |
<<>> |
401 |
Unauthorized |
<<>> |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
2.6.6. update
PUT /api/v2/parcel/{parcelId}
Update parcel
To update and edit parcel details.
Path Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
parcelId |
X |
null |
Body Parameter
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
UpdateParcelRequest |
X |
Content Type
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 |
OK |
400 |
Bad Request |
404 |
Not Found |
403 |
Forbidden |
<<>> |
401 |
Unauthorized |
<<>> |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
2.6.7. updateByIdRef
PUT /api/v2/parcel/idref/{idRef}
Update parcel
To update and edit parcel details.
Path Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
idRef |
X |
null |
Body Parameter
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
UpdateParcelRequest |
X |
Content Type
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 |
OK |
400 |
Bad Request |
404 |
Not Found |
403 |
Forbidden |
<<>> |
401 |
Unauthorized |
<<>> |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
2.7. ShippingOperations
2.7.1. cancel
POST /api/v2/shipping/cancel
Cancel shipping
To cancel shipping items.
Body Parameter
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
BaseItemListRequest |
X |
Content Type
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 |
Shipping cancel confirmed. |
400 |
Bad Request |
403 |
Forbidden |
<<>> |
401 |
Unauthorized |
<<>> |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
2.7.2. getBarcodesByParcelIds1
GET /api/v2/shipping/barcode/list
Get shipping barcodes
Loads barcodes by a list of id refs, each item has OK or FAILED status and corresponding id
Query Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
parcelIds |
A list of parcel ids to load barcodes. [Long] |
X |
null |
idRefs |
A list of id refs to load barcodes. [String] |
X |
null |
Return Type
Content Type
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 |
Load barcodes by idRefs. |
List[ShippingItemStatus] |
400 |
Bad Request |
403 |
Forbidden |
<<>> |
401 |
Unauthorized |
<<>> |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
2.7.3. getStatusByRequestId
GET /api/v2/shipping/status/{requestId}
Get shipping status
Get shipping status by request id. IN_PROGRESS - shipping process is still in progress, SUCCESSFUL - shipping completed successfully, PARTIALLY_SUCCESSFUL - shipping failed for at least one parcel, ERROR - shipping failed.
Path Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
requestId |
X |
null |
Content Type
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 |
Shipping status data structure |
400 |
Bad Request |
403 |
Forbidden |
<<>> |
401 |
Unauthorized |
<<>> |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
2.7.4. initiateShipping
POST /api/v2/shipping/initiate
Initiate shipping
To initiate dispatch of parcels. The response returns the identification numbers of shipping item carts. It is important to mention that when initiating shipments, they need to be grouped: UNISEND parcels and Lithuanian postal service parcels. But if you initiate at one time parcels with Lithuanian postal services and UNISEND services - then no statuses will appear after the initiation (there will be PENDING)
Body Parameter
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
BaseItemListRequest |
X |
Query Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
processAsync |
- |
true |
Content Type
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 |
Shipping initiation confirmed. |
400 |
Bad Request |
403 |
Forbidden |
<<>> |
401 |
Unauthorized |
<<>> |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
2.7.5. isShippingAvailable
GET /api/v2/shipping/available
Check shipping availability
Get shipping availability.
Query Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
receiverCountryCode |
X |
null |
planCode |
X |
null |
parcelType |
X |
null |
size |
- |
null |
weight |
- |
null |
partCount |
- |
null |
services |
- |
null |
includeErrors |
- |
false |
Content Type
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 |
Shipping available data structure |
400 |
Bad Request |
403 |
Forbidden |
<<>> |
401 |
Unauthorized |
<<>> |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
3.6. TerminalOperations
3.6.1. estimate
GET /api/v2/terminal
Get terminals
Query Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
receiverCountryCode |
X |
null |
senderCountryCode |
- |
null |
size |
- |
null |
Return Type
Content Type
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 |
Terminal list structure |
List[EstimatedTerminal] |
400 |
Bad Request |
403 |
Forbidden |
<<>> |
401 |
Unauthorized |
<<>> |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
3. Models
3.1. AddressBase
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
municipality |
String |
locality |
String |
flat |
String |
building |
String |
address |
String |
address1 |
String |
address2 |
String |
terminalId |
String |
district |
String |
street |
String |
postalCode |
String |
countryCode |
String |
subDistrict |
String |
countryId |
Long |
int64 |
regionId |
Long |
int64 |
3.2. BaseDocumentResponse
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
document |
List of [ByteArray] |
byte |
contentType |
String |
3.3. BaseItemListRequest
Unique identifier of the shipping item.
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
idRefs |
Set of [string] |
parcelIds |
Set of [long] |
int64 |
3.4. BasicService
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
id |
X |
Long |
int64 |
code |
String |
value |
String |
3.5. CallCourierResult
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
barcode |
String |
parcelId |
Long |
int64 |
idRef |
String |
created |
Date |
date-time |
3.6. CnBaseCnPartBase
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
contentType |
String |
contentDescription |
String |
failureInstruction |
String |
importer |
CnImporterBase |
exporter |
CnExporterBase |
documents |
CnDocumentBase |
parts |
List of CnPartBase |
3.7. CnDocumentBase
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
license |
String |
certificate |
String |
invoice |
String |
notes |
String |
3.8. CnExporterBase
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
customsRegistrationNo |
String |
3.9. CnImporterBase
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
taxCode |
String |
vatCode |
String |
code |
String |
contact |
ContactBase |
customsRegistrationNo |
String |
3.10. CnPartBase
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
summary |
X |
String |
weight |
X |
Integer |
int32 |
quantity |
X |
Integer |
int32 |
hsCode |
Integer |
int32 |
amount |
X |
BigDecimal |
currencyCode |
X |
String |
countryCode |
String |
3.11. CnPartRequest
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
summary |
X |
String |
weight |
X |
Integer |
int32 |
quantity |
X |
Integer |
int32 |
hsCode |
Integer |
int32 |
amount |
X |
BigDecimal |
currencyCode |
X |
String |
countryCode |
String |
3.12. CnRequest
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
contentType |
String |
contentDescription |
String |
failureInstruction |
String |
importer |
CnImporterBase |
exporter |
CnExporterBase |
documents |
CnDocumentBase |
parts |
List of CnPartRequest |
3.13. ContactBase
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
phone |
String |
String |
fax |
String |
3.14. ContactRequest
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
phone |
String |
String |
fax |
String |
3.15. CreateParcelRequest
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
source |
String |
idRef |
String |
senderAddressId |
Long |
int64 |
pickupAddressId |
Long |
int64 |
comment |
String |
plan |
X |
PlanRequest |
parcel |
X |
ParcelRequest |
receiver |
X |
PersonRequest |
sender |
PersonRequest |
pickup |
PersonRequest |
documents |
DocumentRequest |
services |
List of BasicService |
3.16. DeleteResponse
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
deleted |
Boolean |
3.17. DocumentRequest
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
cn |
CnRequest |
3.18. DocumentResponse
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
cn |
CnBaseCnPartBase |
3.19. ErrorResponse
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
error |
String |
error_description |
String |
3.20. EstimatedCountry
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
name |
String |
code |
String |
3.21. EstimatedParcelSize
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
code |
String |
length |
Float |
float |
width |
Float |
float |
height |
Float |
float |
unit |
String |
3.22. EstimatedPlan
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
code |
String |
description |
String |
shipping |
List of EstimatedPlanShipping |
3.23. EstimatedPlanShipping
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
parcelType |
String |
options |
List of EstimatedShippingOption |
requirements |
EstimatedRequirements |
3.24. EstimatedRangeInteger
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
min |
Integer |
int32 |
max |
Integer |
int32 |
unit |
String |
3.25. EstimatedRequirements
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
size |
Boolean |
weight |
Boolean |
cnDocument |
Boolean |
3.26. EstimatedService
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
id |
Long |
int64 |
code |
String |
description |
String |
price |
EstimatedShippingPrice |
included |
Boolean |
value |
String |
options |
List of EstimatedServiceOption |
3.27. EstimatedServiceOption
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
id |
String |
value |
String |
price |
EstimatedShippingPrice |
3.28. EstimatedShippingOption
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
price |
EstimatedShippingPrice |
size |
EstimatedParcelSize |
weight |
Integer |
int32 |
weightRange |
EstimatedRangeInteger |
partCountRange |
EstimatedRangeInteger |
services |
List of EstimatedService |
countries |
Set of EstimatedCountry |
terminals |
List of EstimatedTerminal |
3.29. EstimatedShippingPrice
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
amount |
BigDecimal |
currency |
String |
3.30. EstimatedTerminal
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
id |
String |
countryCode |
String |
3.31. FieldErrorResponse
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
field |
String |
error |
String |
error_description |
String |
3.32. InitiateShippingResponse
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
requestId |
String |
3.33. ParcelBase
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
type |
String |
size |
String |
weight |
Integer |
int32 |
partCount |
Integer |
int32 |
document |
Boolean |
3.34. ParcelBaseResponse
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
id |
Long |
int64 |
idRef |
String |
plan |
PlanBase |
parcel |
ParcelBase |
receiver |
PersonBase |
sender |
PersonBase |
pickup |
PersonBase |
documents |
DocumentResponse |
services |
List of ServiceBase |
price |
Price |
3.35. ParcelCreateResponse
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
parcelId |
Long |
int64 |
warnings |
List of FieldErrorResponse |
3.36. ParcelRequest
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
type |
String |
size |
String |
weight |
Integer |
int32 |
partCount |
Integer |
int32 |
document |
Boolean |
3.37. PersonBase
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
name |
String |
companyName |
String |
contacts |
ContactBase |
address |
X |
AddressBase |
3.38. PersonRequest
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
name |
String |
companyName |
String |
contacts |
ContactRequest |
address |
X |
AddressBase |
3.39. PersonResponse
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
name |
String |
companyName |
String |
contacts |
ContactBase |
address |
X |
AddressBase |
id |
Long |
int64 |
3.40. PlanBase
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
code |
X |
String |
3.41. PlanRequest
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
code |
X |
String |
3.42. Price Price entity.
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
amount |
BigDecimal |
vat |
BigDecimal |
currency |
String |
3.43. ServiceBase
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
id |
X |
Long |
int64 |
code |
String |
value |
String |
3.44. ShippingAvailableResult
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
available |
Boolean |
errors |
List of TranslatedValidationError |
3.45. ShippingItemLabel Shipping item label entity which represent label item.
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
itemId |
String |
label |
List of [ByteArray] |
byte |
contentType |
String |
Enum: application/pdf, |
3.46. ShippingItemStatus
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
barcode |
String |
parcelId |
Long |
int64 |
idRef |
String |
status |
String |
trackable |
Boolean |
3.47. ShippingStatus
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
status |
String |
errors |
Set of [string] |
items |
List of ShippingItemStatus |
3.48. SliceResultImplCallCourierResult
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
content |
List of CallCourierResult |
hasNext |
Boolean |
hasPrevious |
Boolean |
3.49. TranslatedValidationError
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
id |
Object |
error |
String |
error_description |
String |
3.50. UpdateParcelRequest
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
idRef |
String |
parcelId |
Long |
int64 |
senderAddressId |
Long |
int64 |
pickupAddressId |
Long |
int64 |
comment |
String |
plan |
X |
PlanRequest |
parcel |
X |
ParcelRequest |
receiver |
PersonRequest |
sender |
PersonRequest |
pickup |
PersonRequest |
documents |
DocumentRequest |
services |
List of BasicService |
4. Address search
Possibility to search address by query parameters. Address search available only for LT addresses.
4.1. Overview
Address API public documentation.
To understand what addresses look like, we have 3 types of addresses:
With streets and buildings, e.g., Dariaus ir Girėno g. 7, 74119 Jurbarkas
Without streets and buildings, e.g., Ūta, Rumšiškių sen., Kaišiadorių r. sav. 56370
With buildings without streets, e.g., 1, 88316 Kairiai (Telšių r. sav.)
4.2. Paths
4.1. Gathers information about municipalities.
GET /api/v2/address/lt/munics
Type | Name | Description | Schema | Default |
Query |
q |
Municipality name |
string |
Query |
skip |
Amount of municipalities to skip |
integer (int32) |
Query |
take |
Amount of municipalities to return |
integer (int32) |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Success |
500 |
Internal server error |
No Content |
Example HTTP response
Response 200
"data" : [ {
"data" : {
"id" : 103,
"name" : "Vilniaus m. sav."
"type" : "munics"
} ],
"skip" : 0,
"take" : 20,
"total" : 1
4.2. Gathers information about post codes.
GET /api/v2/address/lt/postcodes
Type | Name | Description | Schema | Default |
Query |
q |
Post code |
string |
Query |
skip |
Amount of post codes to skip |
integer (int32) |
Query |
take |
Amount of post codes to return |
integer (int32) |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Success |
500 |
Internal server error |
No Content |
Example HTTP response
Response 200
"data" : [ {
"data" : {
"deliveryZoneId" : 1,
"firstLocalityId" : 44,
"id" : 109303,
"name" : "08247",
"postId" : 1885,
"postName" : "Vilniaus 57-asis paštas",
"postPostCode" : "08013",
"type" : "Address"
"type" : "postcodes"
} ],
"skip" : 0,
"take" : 20,
"total" : 1
4.3. Gathers addresses by specified post code.
GET /api/v2/address/lt/postcodes/{postcodeId}/addresses
Type | Name | Description | Schema | Default |
Path |
postcodeId |
Post code Id |
integer (int32) |
Query |
q |
Address |
string |
Query |
skip |
Amount of addresses to skip |
integer (int32) |
Query |
take |
Amount of addresses to return |
integer (int32) |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Success |
500 |
Internal server error |
No Content |
Example HTTP response
Response 200
"data" : [ {
"data" : {
"address" : "Juozo Balčikonio g. 3, Vilnius, Vilniaus m. sav. 08247",
"addressCount" : 137,
"buildId" : 1077394,
"buildingNr" : "3",
"deliveryAreaId" : 23691,
"deliveryAreaName" : "13",
"deliveryPostOfficeId" : 16516,
"deliveryPostOfficeName" : "Vilniaus Jeruzalės siuntų centras",
"deliveryZoneId" : 1,
"districtId" : 10,
"districtName" : "Vilniaus",
"geoLocation" : {
"lat" : 54.719491,
"lon" : 25.28543
"guid" : "455f220b-082e-4816-9d68-ba9998763cc1",
"id" : 1077394,
"localityId" : 44,
"localityName" : "Vilnius",
"municipalityId" : 103,
"municipalityName" : "Vilniaus m. sav.",
"orderId" : 362504,
"postCode" : "08247",
"postCodeId" : 109303,
"postId" : 1885,
"postName" : "Vilniaus 57-asis paštas",
"postOfficeCode" : "08013",
"streetId" : 31097,
"streetName" : "Juozo Balčikonio g."
"type" : "addresses"
} ],
"skip" : 0,
"take" : 20,
"total" : 1
4.4. Gathers information about post offices.
GET /api/v2/address/lt/postoffices
Type | Name | Description | Schema | Default |
Query |
q |
Post office name or address |
string |
Query |
skip |
Amount of postoffices to skip |
integer (int32) |
Query |
take |
Amount of postoffices to return |
integer (int32) |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Success |
500 |
Internal server error |
No Content |
Example HTTP response
Response 200
"data" : [ {
"data" : {
"countyId" : 10,
"countyName" : "Vilniaus",
"districtId" : 10,
"districtName" : "Vilniaus",
"flags" : [ ],
"id" : 16516,
"localityId" : 44,
"localityName" : "Vilniaus",
"localityNameV" : "Vilnius",
"localityType" : "City",
"municipalityId" : 103,
"municipalityName" : "Vilniaus m. sav.",
"name" : "Vilniaus Jeruzalės siuntų centras",
"postAddress" : "Jeruzalės g. 14, Vilnius",
"postBuildId" : 674304,
"postCode" : "12020",
"retailType" : 7,
"type" : "StandardPost"
"type" : "postoffices"
} ],
"skip" : 0,
"take" : 20,
"total" : 1
4.5. Gathers information about localities.
GET /api/v2/address/lt/reallocalities
Type | Name | Description | Schema | Default |
Query |
q |
Locality name |
string |
Query |
skip |
Amount of localities to skip |
integer (int32) |
Query |
take |
Amount of localities to return |
integer (int32) |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Success |
500 |
Internal server error |
No Content |
Example HTTP response
Response 200
"data" : [ {
"data" : {
"addressCount" : 308127,
"buildingsCount" : 0,
"deliveryAreaId" : 16405,
"deliveryAreaName" : "3",
"distinctDeliveryAreaCount" : 242,
"districtId" : 10,
"districtName" : "Vilniaus",
"guid" : "0d39894f-62f3-4b43-8f8c-4fe7d79c6026",
"id" : 44,
"municipalityId" : 103,
"municipalityName" : "Vilniaus m. sav.",
"name" : "Vilnius",
"name2" : "Vilniaus",
"postId" : 1800,
"postName" : "Lentvario paštas",
"streetsAndBuildingsCount" : 77325,
"streetsCount" : 2877,
"subsLocalType" : 1,
"type" : "City"
"type" : "localities"
} ],
"skip" : 0,
"take" : 20,
"total" : 1
4.6. Gathers information about streets in specified locality.
GET /api/v2/address/lt/reallocalities/{reallocalityId}/streets
Type | Name | Description | Schema | Default |
Path |
reallocalityId |
Locality Id |
integer (int32) |
Query |
q |
Street name |
string |
Query |
skip |
Amount of streets to skip |
integer (int32) |
Query |
take |
Amount of streets to return |
integer (int32) |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Success |
500 |
Internal server error |
No Content |
Example HTTP response
Response 200
"data" : [ {
"data" : {
"id" : 1015000,
"name" : "Juozo Balčikonio g."
"type" : "streets"
} ],
"skip" : 0,
"take" : 20,
"total" : 1
4.7. Gathers information about addresses in specified locality and street.
GET /api/v2/address/lt/reallocalities/{reallocalityId}/streets/{streetId}/addresses
Type | Name | Description | Schema | Default |
Path |
reallocalityId |
Locality Id |
integer (int32) |
Path |
streetId |
Street Id |
integer (int32) |
Query |
buildingNr |
Building number |
string |
Query |
skip |
Amount of addresses to skip |
integer (int32) |
Query |
take |
Amount of addresses to return |
integer (int32) |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Success |
500 |
Internal server error |
No Content |
Example HTTP response
Response 200
"data" : [ {
"data" : {
"address" : "Juozo Balčikonio g. 3, Vilnius, Vilniaus m. sav. 08247",
"addressCount" : 137,
"buildId" : 1077394,
"buildingNr" : "3",
"deliveryAreaId" : 23691,
"deliveryAreaName" : "13",
"deliveryPostOfficeId" : 16516,
"deliveryPostOfficeName" : "Vilniaus Jeruzalės siuntų centras",
"deliveryZoneId" : 1,
"districtId" : 10,
"districtName" : "Vilniaus",
"geoLocation" : {
"lat" : 54.719491,
"lon" : 25.28543
"guid" : "455f220b-082e-4816-9d68-ba9998763cc1",
"id" : 1077394,
"localityId" : 44,
"localityName" : "Vilnius",
"municipalityId" : 103,
"municipalityName" : "Vilniaus m. sav.",
"orderId" : 362504,
"postCode" : "08247",
"postCodeId" : 109303,
"postId" : 1885,
"postName" : "Vilniaus 57-asis paštas",
"postOfficeCode" : "08013",
"streetId" : 31097,
"streetName" : "Juozo Balčikonio g."
"type" : "addresses"
} ],
"skip" : 0,
"take" : 20,
"total" : 1
4.3. Definitions
4.3.1. Address.Library.AddressInfo
Name | Schema |
address |
string |
addressCount |
integer (int32) |
buildId |
integer (int32) |
buildingNr |
string |
deliveryAreaId |
integer (int32) |
deliveryAreaName |
string |
deliveryPostOfficeId |
integer (int32) |
deliveryPostOfficeName |
string |
deliveryZoneId |
integer (int32) |
districtId |
integer (int32) |
districtName |
string |
geoLocation |
guid |
string (uuid) |
id |
integer (int32) |
localityId |
integer (int32) |
localityName |
string |
municipalityId |
integer (int32) |
municipalityName |
string |
orderId |
integer (int32) |
postCode |
string |
postCodeId |
integer (int32) |
postId |
integer (int32) |
postName |
string |
postOfficeCode |
string |
streetId |
integer (int32) |
streetName |
string |
subDistrictId |
integer (int32) |
subDistrictName |
string |
4.3.2. Address.Library.AddressLinks
Name | Schema |
addresses |
string |
buildings |
string |
deliveryAreas |
string |
districts |
string |
localities |
string |
munics |
string |
parent |
string |
postCodes |
string |
postOffices |
string |
self |
string |
streets |
string |
subdistricts |
string |
4.3.3. Address.Library.AddressSearchResult<AddressInfo>
Name | Schema |
data |
< Address.Library.Result<AddressInfo> > array |
skip |
integer (int32) |
take |
integer (int32) |
total |
integer (int32) |
4.3.4. Address.Library.AddressSearchResult<Munic>
Name | Schema |
data |
< Address.Library.Result<Munic> > array |
skip |
integer (int32) |
take |
integer (int32) |
< |